New Self Service Health Pod in the waiting area

We have a newly installed Self Service Health Pod in the waiting area. To monitor your health and simultaneously update your records. No need to book an appointment. Just pop in and use the health pod to take your blood pressure, BMI, answer lifestyle questions and much more.


Leading Change Through Innovation

About PCMS


Industry leading healthcare that focuses on a model that is responsive in meeting the needs of patients & commissioners, whilst promoting an environment and culture of innovation that allows our staff to flourish and continuously develop.

Leading Change Through Innovation

The healthcare landscape is an ever changing one; healthcare reforms, sustainability and transformation plans and demands of an ageing and increasing population have resulted in a healthcare service that has struggled to adapt to these changes in a proactive and not reactive way.

Whilst it is not always possible to instil and implement rapid change at an industry wide level PCMS adopt and utilise (clinical) microsystems methodology to focus on high impact and rapid intervention and change at an organisational level.

Since 2009, PCMS have been working with commissioners and providers in all aspects of healthcare; practice care-taking, tendering, procurement &providing high quality innovative healthcare services within our practices.

PCMS do not believe that just because services have always been provided in a particular way, that this has to be the only way. Each organisation is uniquely different, with different challenges and characteristics.

PCMS adopt a systems approach to assessing the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of any practice or healthcare organisation before carefully considering a plan for implementing a planned process of change. Our wider experience in consultancy and providing resilience support to organisations ensures that we are in tune with the latest developments and cutting edge innovation within the industry.

PCMS have within its ranks and work closely with industry experts, consultant pharmacists, transformational nurses, clinical leads and consultants all of whom we deploy as part of our multi-disciplinary rapid turnaround and implementation team to deliver the required objectives.