Our Vision
To enhance the health, well-being and lives of those we care for; provide a safe and fulfilling working environment.
Our Mission Statement
Chiltern House Medical Centre is committed to providing our patients the highest standard of care through our patient driven, holistic approach and the provision of convenient and continuous access to a well-trained and highly motivated primary healthcare team, in a safe, responsive and caring manner.
Our Aims and Objectives
To: Provide a quality service:
By working within the NHS to provide the highest possible quality of care that meets the identified needs of our patients.
To: Respect our patients and staff:
By treating our patients and staff with courtesy, dignity and respect at all times. We will treat all fairly and be especially supportive to the vulnerable. We expect respect in return.
To: Involve our patient in decisions:
By a whole team approach in supporting our patients to help them make decisions to improve and maintain their health.
To: Promote best practice:
By using specialist expertise within the practice team and externally. We encourage the continuous education and professional development of all members of the practice team. We will adapt to change, build on our achievements, develop our services and share learning.
To: Be a caring practice:
By conveying compassion in word and action whilst assessing and responding to needs.
To: Work together as a team
By working as one flexible unit that enhances our colleagues’ ability to perform their roles.
To: Work with integrity
By speaking and acting truthfully and being accountable for our actions.
To: Be a sustainable practice
By operating on a financially sound basis. Having as low an environmental impact with as reduced waste as possible.
Practice Ethos – 5 R’s
Chiltern House Medical Centre aims to achieve objectives by implementing the “5 R’s” in the day-to-day tasks, implemented by all members of the team: